Amplitude Venture Capital, a full-stack life sciences venture capital firm focused on creating, building, and growing world-class Canadian precision medicine companies and AltaML, a leading applied artificial intelligence (AI) studio driven to elevate human potential, are pleased to announce a strategic alliance aimed at leveraging the great promise of AI and machine learning in the biotechnology sector.

“Alberta, through Amii and leading companies like AltaML, has taken it’s place alongside MILA in Montreal and the Vector Institute in Toronto as a globally-renowned Centre of AI and machine learning excellence,” said Nancy Harrison, Venture Partner with Amplitude. “There’s already a vibrant tech community and world-class medical school in province that, when coupled with this AI leadership and strategic partnerships like the one we’re announcing with AltaML, brings Alberta more fully into the national dialogue about the convergence of biotech and AI.”

The two companies will share a team member as part of the strategic alliance. AltaML’s Alberta-based data science health lead Alex Hope will act as a catalyst in identifying investment opportunities, primarily in Alberta, and projects where the two companies can work together to create, build, and grow a talent base by combining AI acumen with life science expertise.

“We’ve seen the great impact Amplitude has had in the AI-powered biotech space across the country through new venture creation and acceleration, and we’re so pleased to join forces,” said Cory Janssen, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of AltaML. “There is great strategic value here for both entities as AltaML can provide an AI leadership lens for Amplitude’s portfolio and in turn they can help us develop our already robust life science focus.”

Alberta Enterprise Corporation (AEC), an investor in Amplitude’s first fund, is a great proponent of growing both the AI and life sciences sectors in Alberta.

“We invested in Amplitude last year because of their focus on life sciences and we knew they would share our mission of accelerating the sector in Alberta,” said Kristina Williams, AEC’s president and CEO. “This strategic alliance with AltaML will further their ability to make a difference for Alberta companies.”

Over the past three years, Amplitude has established itself as the preeminent life sciences investor in Canada, creating and financing several leading precision medicine companies. The Amplitude team boasts a wealth of experience as successful investors and company builders and is supported by a world-class advisory board. The Amplitude team and advisory board have built a high performing, high potential portfolio of companies around the clustered theme of targeted and cellular therapy and applied AI and machine learning. Amplitude invests from an oversubscribed $200 million CAD first fund that closed in June 2021. Through the fund, Amplitude employs a unique model to accelerate growth of early-stage and emerging Canadian companies like Notch and LQT Therapeutics, and create new companies like Radiant Biotherapeutics in collaboration with leading academic institutions.

“Canada is a world leader in the development of AI in biotechnology,” said Dion Madsen, Co-Founder and Partner at Amplitude. “As the preeminent investor in Canada’s biotech sector, we’re proud to align ourselves with AltaML as a national leader in the artificial intelligence and machine learning space to increase our depth of expertise and to accelerate the growth of portfolio companies. This alliance builds on our existing portfolio of six companies that are already integrating AI as a core part of their technology stack, such as Deep GenomicsValence Discovery and Repare Therapeutics.”

As an applied AI studio, AltaML brings its deep AI bench together with partners’ domain expertise through corporate lab engagements to continuously examine AI use cases and move the most valuable models to integrated solutions. Some opportunities result in spinoffs or joint ventures focused on specific markets, and AltaML provides resources to accelerate the new companies to success. Ventures launched to date include, and Jurisage, with several more underway.

About AltaML

AltaML is a leading developer of artificial intelligence (AI)-powered solutions. Working with organizations that want to use AI to leverage their data to develop solutions that drive tangible business results, AltaML empowers partners to create operational efficiency, reduce risks and generate new sources of revenue. Through a deep understanding of organizational pain points and challenges, AltaML’s solutions encompass the entire machine learning (ML) life cycle, from evaluating potential use cases and determining feasibility to piloting solutions, putting code into production, and ensuring model evolution.

About Amplitude

Amplitude is a full-stack venture capital firm using a unique growth model to build Canadian companies with world-class management teams and scale companies to breakout potential. With over $300M under management and offices in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, Amplitude applies a proven, evidence-based approach to investing in leading precision medicine companies.