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AltaML Pleased to Support Mitacs Interns and Represent Industry at Government of Alberta Announcement

October 30, 2020 3 min read
AltaML Updates

AltaML is a technology company built around people with deep expertise in applied artificial intelligence (AI), software development and business. Sourcing top talent, including supporting local emerging talent, is essential for success, and AltaML’s approach includes mentorship of postsecondary students through Mitacs internships. To date AltaML has welcomed Mitacs interns from the University of Alberta (U of A) and from NAIT into machine learning (ML) developer, software developer and venture analyst roles, and in some cases individuals have been hired upon completion of their internship, contributing to the retention of highly qualified personnel in the region.

AltaML anticipates hosting Mitacs interns on an ongoing basis and was honoured to join the Government of Alberta as they announced funding for more than 3,800 new internship opportunities to Alberta companies. One of AltaML’s Mitacs Accelerate interns, Frincy Clement, delivered remarks about the impact of her internship. 

“In equipping students with essential industry experience, internships serve as a bridge between academia and the wider world. There is a learning curve for new grads, and Mitacs programs allow innovation-based companies like AltaML to invest time and resources in mentorship. Business and communities also benefit by keeping top talent right here in Alberta. The net result is that internships help drive innovation which is crucial in the new data-driven economy.”

Cory Janssen and Nicole Janssen, Co-Founders and Co-CEO’s, AltaML

“My Mitacs internship at AltaML provided me with hands-on experience in developing artificial intelligence solutions for real-world industry problems, and has widened my perspectives on business expectations for delivering solutions. The business contacts and mentors that I’ve acquired are invaluable for my future and I feel well equipped for a new career in the tech sector. I am grateful to the Government of Alberta and AltaML for enabling me to develop my skills and talents through a Mitacs internship.”

Frincy Clement, Mitacs intern, University of Alberta

“Hands-on learning is critical to helping students get the skills and training they need, and to prepare them for success in their careers. This partnership supports Alberta’s Recovery Plan, and helps ensure our province has the talent and ability to get Albertans back to work, meet labour market demands, and give students important experience needed for their future.”

Demetrios Nicolaides, Minister of Advanced Education

“Giving Albertans the skills and hands-on opportunities to put their education to use is going to be a critical component of our economic future. It will pair job creators with their future employees and turn ideas into careers and bring new innovations to our business world that much faster.”

Doug Schweitzer, Minister of Jobs, Economy and Innovation

“This funding will help Alberta businesses solve their innovation challenges by connecting them to top post-secondary talent so they can expand their companies, create jobs, and grow the provincial economy. At the same time, these opportunities provide Alberta students with invaluable practical skills, applied research experience, and business contacts that will help them get jobs.”

John Hepburn, chief executive officer, Mitacs

Mitacs is a national, not-for-profit organization that fosters growth and innovation in Canada by solving challenges with research solutions from academic institutions. Mitacs is funded by the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta, along with the other provincial and territorial governments.

About AltaML

AltaML is a leading developer of artificial intelligence (AI)-powered solutions. Working with organizations that want to use AI to leverage their data to develop solutions that drive tangible business results, AltaML empowers partners to create operational efficiency, reduce risks and generate new sources of revenue. Through a deep understanding of organizational pain points and challenges, AltaML’s solutions encompass the entire machine learning (ML) life cycle, from evaluating potential use cases and determining feasibility to piloting solutions, putting code into production, and ensuring model evolution.

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